- Reliable access to a computer and internet
- A bicycle in good working order and a helmet.
Lesson 1: Key of D
Lesson 2: The Blues
Lesson 3: Key of B-flat
Lesson 4: Additional Theory Concepts
Lesson 5: Seventh Chords
Lesson 1: Major and Minor Five Finger Patterns
Lesson 2: The Chromatic Scale
Lesson 3: Improvisation
Lesson 4: Developing Your Technique
Lesson 5: Syncopation and Expanded Notation
Lesson 1: Articulations
Lesson 2: Expanding Your Range on the Fretboard
Lesson 3: Note Identification Practice
Lesson 4: Intervals
Lesson 5: Improvisation
Lesson 1: Minor Scales
Lesson 2: Keys
Lesson 3: Diatonic Chords
Lesson 4: Arpeggios
Lesson 5: Adding Style to Your Bass Line
Lesson 1: D Major
Lesson 2: B Minor
Lesson 3: B-flat Major
Lesson 4: G Minor
Lesson 5: A Major
Lesson 6: F-sharp Minor
Lesson 1: C Major
Lesson 2: A Minor
Lesson 3: F Major
Lesson 4: D Minor
Lesson 5: G Major
Lesson 6: E Minor
Lesson 1: The Blues
Lesson 2: The Pentatonic Scale and Introduction to Soloing
Lesson 3: Open Power Chords
Lesson 4: Movable Power Chords
Lesson 5: Barre Chords
Lesson 1: Common Fingers and Guide Fingers
Lesson 2: Dyads
Lesson 3: Transposition
Lesson 4: Alternating Bass
Lesson 5: Fingerpicking
Students will need reliable access to a computer and internet for their coursework. Students will also need access to a bicycle and helmet.
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:
You will need access to a good atlas of the United States.
Reliable access to a computer and internet.
There are four main areas that you should master during this course:
Reliable access to a computer and internet.
There are four main areas that you should master during this course:
Reliable access to a computer and internet.
There are four main areas that you should master during this course that continue on from the first half of this course:
Reliable access to a computer and internet.
There are four areas that you should master during this course.
Reliable access to a computer and internet.
After you have successfully completed this course, you should be able to do the following:
Glencoe Math, Your Common Core Edition (Course 3, Volume 2). 1st ed. McGraw-Hill Education, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-07-661904-7.
Texas Instruments Explorer 30 (TI-30) or other graphing calculator with similar capabilities; this is the same calculator used in MATH 035.
After you have successfully completed this course, you should be able to do the following:
McGraw-Hill. Glencoe Math, Your Common Core Edition. Course 3, vol. 1.1st ed. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill, 2013. (ISBN-13: 978-0-07-661530-8)
Texas Instruments Explorer 30 (TI-30) or other graphing calculator with similar capabilities
After you have successfully completed this course, you should be able to do the following:
The calculator explorations are written for the Texas Instruments Explorer 30 (TI-30); however, most other graphing calculators have similar capabilities.
Reliable access to a computer and internet.
After you have successfully completed this course, you should be able to
The calculator explorations are written for the Texas Instruments Explorer 30 (TI-30); however, most other graphing calculators have similar capabilities.
Reliable access to a computer and internet.
Most of the reading you do in this course will be found online within the course. However, you will need to have a copy of the novel Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. This novel was published in 2000 and should not be hard to find. You may check this book out at your local library or purchase a copy of it from a bookstore.
You will need to have a copy of the novel The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper. It was published in 1973 and was awarded a Newbery Honor Award. This novel should not be too difficult to find; you may check it out at your local library or purchase a copy of it from a bookstore.
Lesson 1: Theme
Lesson 2: Poetry
Lesson 3: Shakespeare
Lesson 4: Literary Genres
Lesson 5: Research
Lesson 6: Publishing
The prerequisite for English 33 is English 31: Seventh-Grade English 1, or a seventh-grade equivalent.
This course will enable you to continue your growth as an effective reader and communicator. Here are the main learning outcomes of this course:
This course requires no additional textbook; however, we will read and discuss a novel throughout the course, which you must acquire:
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Lesson 1: Reading Strategies: Literary Fiction
Lesson 2: Short Stories
Lesson 3: Biography and Autobiography
Lesson 4: Fables and Myths
Lesson 5: Reading Strategies: Informational Text
Lesson 6: Grammar and Language Workshop
Lesson 7: Argument and Persuasion
There are no prerequisites for this course, but you should have basic seventh-grade-level reading, writing, and grammar skills.
This course will enable you to continue your growth as an effective reader and communicator. In this course you will learn to do the following:
This course requires no additional textbook; however, we will read and discuss a novel throughout the course, which you must acquire:
Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
Lesson 1: Learning Bass Lines Efficiently
Lesson 2: Muting Technique and Closed Position
Lesson 3: Accidentals
Lesson 4: Dotted Quarter Note Rhythms
Lesson 5: Major Scales
Lesson 1: Intervals and Range Expansion
Lesson 2: The Dotted Quarter Note
Lesson 3: Accidentals
Lesson 4: Major Scales and Key Signatures
Lesson 5: Primary Chords and Triad Construction
Lesson 1: Demystifying the Fretboard (the chromatic scale)
Lesson 2: From Chromatic to Diatonic (the Key of C)
Lesson 3: Building Harmony
Lesson 4: Reading and Playing Standard Notation
Lesson 5: More Strumming and Rhythms
Lesson 6: From One Key to Another (the Keys of G & F)
Lesson 7: From Major to Minor (the Keys of A Minor, E Minor and D Minor)
Lesson 8: Ukulele History
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Bass Guitar
Lesson 2: Playing on the Fretboard
Lesson 3: Reading Tablature and Rhythms
Lesson 4: Introduction to Standard Notation
Lesson 5: Bass Guitar Maintenance
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Keyboard
Lesson 2: Reading Notation
Lesson 3: Hands Together
Lesson 4: Moving Hands
Lesson 5: Open and Close Hand Position
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Ukulele
Lesson 2: Playing Chords
Lesson 3: Reading and Playing Rhythms
Lesson 4: Reading and Playing Tablature
Lesson 5: The Sound of Silence
Lesson 1: Full Chords and Strum Patterns
Lesson 2: Playing in Other Time Signatures
Lesson 3: The G Major Scale
Lesson 4: The C Major Scale
Lesson 5: A Deeper Understanding of the Fretboard
Lesson 6: Keys and Key Signatures
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Guitar
Lesson 2: Playing With Both Hands
Lesson 3: Reading TAB and Rhythms
Lesson 4: Reading Notes on the First and Second Strings
Lesson 5: Standard Notation Fundamentals
Lesson 6: Accidentals
The main purpose of this course is to help you become proficient in core principles of chemistry.
Here are some of the main things you will learn to do:
The main purpose of this course is to help you become proficient in core principles of Chemistry. I hope that this course will help you get the most out of building your scientific thinking foundation. Here are some of the main things you will learn to do:
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Please note: Some texts may contain mature themes, situations, or language.
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Please note: Some texts may contain mature themes, situations, or language.
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Please note: Some texts may contain mature themes, situations, or language.
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Please note: Some texts may contain mature themes, situations, or language.
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Please note: Some texts may contain mature themes, situations, or language.
*Students attending Educational Advantage will have the opportunity to use EA’s copy of the texts or listen to them via Audible.
*Please note: Some texts may contain mature themes, situations, or language.
This course is designed to prepare you for the workplace by helping you become comfortable using a computer. When you complete this course, you should be able to do the following:
Upon successful completion of this course, you should have done the following:
This course is self-contained. You do not need a separate astronomy book to complete the units.
Access to a computer and internet access.