Financial Literacy
Description: This course is designed to help junior and senior students prepare themselves for living in the modern world. Students will learn essentials financial management strategies through course readings, video scenarios, and practical application activities, with topics including budgeting, financial services, consumer choices, financial and career planning, credit, income and taxes, savings, investments, insurance, and retirement. Throughout their studies, students will identify key components of sound money managements; analyze the financial services available and create a workable budget; examine personal finances and create a plan for the future; evaluate consumer choices; analyze credit; evaluate and implement various saving, investment, and retirement strategies; explore and implement career plans; identify forms of income and examine taxation principles; and identify risks and limit liability issues with insurance.
Credit Hours: 0.5
Price: $250 [$200.00 Course Fee | $50.00 Admin Fee]
Required Resources:
- Reliable access to a computer and internet connection