PE 9: Participation Skills & Techniques
This course is designed to engage students in a healthy lifestyle through awareness of and participation in a variety of fitness related topics. Research based fitness principles will instruct and enable students to safely engage in various aspects of fitness and exercise, safety, nutrition, goal setting, mental health, skills, sportsmanship, and more. Finally, students will increase their knowledge in individual, team, and global sports, including watching a live sporting event. This course requires students to take action in living a healthier lifestyle by completing a fitness, nutrition, and reflection log as well as a variety of fitness related assignments. Students should consult with a doctor and parent/guardian before starting a new exercise program.
NOTE: This course is not yet offered online; students can enroll online and pick up their packet at EA.
Credit Hours: .5
Price: $250 [$200.00 Course Fee | $50.00 Admin Fee]