- Reliable access to a computer and internet
- A bicycle in good working order and a helmet.
Lesson 1: Key of D
Lesson 2: The Blues
Lesson 3: Key of B-flat
Lesson 4: Additional Theory Concepts
Lesson 5: Seventh Chords
Lesson 1: Major and Minor Five Finger Patterns
Lesson 2: The Chromatic Scale
Lesson 3: Improvisation
Lesson 4: Developing Your Technique
Lesson 5: Syncopation and Expanded Notation
Lesson 1: Articulations
Lesson 2: Expanding Your Range on the Fretboard
Lesson 3: Note Identification Practice
Lesson 4: Intervals
Lesson 5: Improvisation
Lesson 1: Minor Scales
Lesson 2: Keys
Lesson 3: Diatonic Chords
Lesson 4: Arpeggios
Lesson 5: Adding Style to Your Bass Line
Lesson 1: D Major
Lesson 2: B Minor
Lesson 3: B-flat Major
Lesson 4: G Minor
Lesson 5: A Major
Lesson 6: F-sharp Minor
Lesson 1: C Major
Lesson 2: A Minor
Lesson 3: F Major
Lesson 4: D Minor
Lesson 5: G Major
Lesson 6: E Minor
Lesson 1: The Blues
Lesson 2: The Pentatonic Scale and Introduction to Soloing
Lesson 3: Open Power Chords
Lesson 4: Movable Power Chords
Lesson 5: Barre Chords
Lesson 1: Common Fingers and Guide Fingers
Lesson 2: Dyads
Lesson 3: Transposition
Lesson 4: Alternating Bass
Lesson 5: Fingerpicking
Lesson 1: Learning Bass Lines Efficiently
Lesson 2: Muting Technique and Closed Position
Lesson 3: Accidentals
Lesson 4: Dotted Quarter Note Rhythms
Lesson 5: Major Scales
Lesson 1: Intervals and Range Expansion
Lesson 2: The Dotted Quarter Note
Lesson 3: Accidentals
Lesson 4: Major Scales and Key Signatures
Lesson 5: Primary Chords and Triad Construction
Lesson 1: Demystifying the Fretboard (the chromatic scale)
Lesson 2: From Chromatic to Diatonic (the Key of C)
Lesson 3: Building Harmony
Lesson 4: Reading and Playing Standard Notation
Lesson 5: More Strumming and Rhythms
Lesson 6: From One Key to Another (the Keys of G & F)
Lesson 7: From Major to Minor (the Keys of A Minor, E Minor and D Minor)
Lesson 8: Ukulele History
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Bass Guitar
Lesson 2: Playing on the Fretboard
Lesson 3: Reading Tablature and Rhythms
Lesson 4: Introduction to Standard Notation
Lesson 5: Bass Guitar Maintenance
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Keyboard
Lesson 2: Reading Notation
Lesson 3: Hands Together
Lesson 4: Moving Hands
Lesson 5: Open and Close Hand Position
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Ukulele
Lesson 2: Playing Chords
Lesson 3: Reading and Playing Rhythms
Lesson 4: Reading and Playing Tablature
Lesson 5: The Sound of Silence
Lesson 1: Full Chords and Strum Patterns
Lesson 2: Playing in Other Time Signatures
Lesson 3: The G Major Scale
Lesson 4: The C Major Scale
Lesson 5: A Deeper Understanding of the Fretboard
Lesson 6: Keys and Key Signatures
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Guitar
Lesson 2: Playing With Both Hands
Lesson 3: Reading TAB and Rhythms
Lesson 4: Reading Notes on the First and Second Strings
Lesson 5: Standard Notation Fundamentals
Lesson 6: Accidentals
The main purpose of this course is to help you become proficient in core principles of chemistry.
Here are some of the main things you will learn to do:
The main purpose of this course is to help you become proficient in core principles of Chemistry. I hope that this course will help you get the most out of building your scientific thinking foundation. Here are some of the main things you will learn to do:
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to do the following:
Upon successful completion of this course, you should have done the following:
This course is self-contained. You do not need a separate astronomy book to complete the units.
Access to a computer and internet access.