Julia Gray-Lion

Certified Private Instructor

Julia Gray-Lion currently serves as the string orchestra director at private junior high and high school in Dallas, TX as well as two local private elementary schools experiencing growing interest in playing violin, viola, cello or string bass in the neighborhoods. Julia is an alumnus of Oberlin College Conservatory, and Tarleton State University. Julia continues to her pedagogy training through the Suzuki teacher training for violin and viola, books 1 through 5, and cello, book 1. In addition to her membership in the Suzuki Association of the Americas, she remains an active member of the Texas Private School Music Educator Association, and American String Teachers Association. With 20 years of school orchestra directing in her background and more than 25 years teaching in a private studio, Julia's students can be found worldwide as orchestra directors, youth music leaders, church worship directors, engineers, performers, lawyers, medical professionals, military service members, and many other career fields enriched by the study of orchestra music and staying in close contact with good people. Never one to limit her musical tastes, she enjoys listening and teaching a wide array of music. The joy of sharing music shows in the awards she has garnered during her career including Teacher of the Year in 2006, AWARE Foundation Teacher of the Year finalist, recognition in the Texas State Legislature to her contributions to string orchestra in 2012, and by the Catholic Foundation "Work of Heart" Award Winner in May 2017.


Every child must know his or her strengths, and preferred learning styles. Music helps with these two primary teaching goals in Julia's studio. Studies continue to show the benefit of learning a string orchestra instrument in terms of neural plasticity, and long-lasting positive cognitive affect. The lives of children who are now adults display the intrinsic beauty and wealth of learning music based on the increased social support systems and ability to work well in teams of any size. While the children who study music with Julia today may or may not choose to pursue a career in music in the future, every child will be successful in gaining knowledge and skills that will enrich every area of their lives.

Professional Affiliations

D'Addario Education Collective