Peg Waldschmidt

Certified Private Instructor

Peg has been a Vocal Coach, Musical Director, Theatre Director, Accompanist and Choreographer since 1985. She has a Masters Degree in Music and a certificate to teach Theatre with specialties in Musical Theatre and has taught for over 25 years. Her students are currently featured in roles on Broadway, National Tours, Off Broadway, TV series, Cruise Lines, Theme Parks, and local artists in the Dallas area. Peg has personally performed professionally through out the Midwest and Dallas area and continues to pursue her craft. She has worked with numerous students who were accepted to participate in prestigious programs all over the world, as well as received significant scholarships to pursue their passion in college. She draws upon diverse acting, dance and singing techniques and merges them with her personal coaching approach to reach students artistic potential. Pegs’ diverse Vocal and Theatrical foundation are the driving force to develop the individual by blending together all facets to create the “Absolute Artiste”.


The practice of singing integrates physical, emotional and intellectual experience. Singing is also an open-ended discipline. It takes time and perseverance to master the essentials, but once this has been achieved it becomes clear that the potential for growth and deeper mastery is limitless. Like all paths to mastery, at the heart of singing practice is daily engagement with the creative and learning process. My approach to vocal technique therefore focuses on the process of singing—the activities involved in both expression and developing coordination—rather than the product—the sounds and sensations that result from these activities.

Professional Affiliations

Music Teacher's Helper